The home of JavaMod 3.8, WinMod 1.5 and DosMod 1.9

last updated at 29.12.2023

Manual for JavaMod

last changed at 05/20/2020

The topics:

1. Download and installation

You need at least Java 8 installed to run this mod player! Use the openJDK 8.

Download and installation is very simple. Just download the jar file and move it to any location you like. In this example we assume you saved javamod in the directory "C:\javamod".
To start javamod simple double-click on the javamod.jar file.

Maybe you would like to create a link in your start folder. This is also quite simple:
- right-click on "Programms" and choose "open" or "open for all users"
- right-click on the background to create a new folder named "javamod"
- double-click on the new folder "javamod"
- right-click on the background to create a new link
- USe the following path: "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\javaw.exe -jar C:\JavaMod\javamod.jar" (if java_home is not set, give the full path to javaw.exe here)
- give a name of your choice, e.g. "JavaMod 1.6"
- now we will add a new icon:
  * download the icon file and store it into the javamod directory by right-clicking on the link below and choosing "save as..."
downloadbutton javamod.ico

  * right-click on the generated new link and select "properties"-->"new icon"
  * give the path to the new icon: e.g. "C:\JavaMod\javamod.ico"

If you would like to embed JavaMod in Windows via the file extensions you need to do a bit more. First of all you need a batch file to start java mod with. This batch file should be stored in "C:\javamod" as well and could look like this:


Now simple associate this batch file with the file suffixes "mod", "xm", "s3m", "stm", "it", "mp3", "mid", "midi", "au", "aif". This can be done by simply right-clicking on a desired file, choose "open with..." and click on "Select programm". Also check the box to permanently open this extension with JavaMod
The parameter are discussed later in this document!

2. Parameter

The command line version has paramters to configure the mod playback. This is a bit historical as the old DosMod used nearly the same parameters.

These are:
-rxuse Samplerate x (8000/11025/22050/44100/96000... anything allowed, your soundhardware supports)
-b8/16/24#Bits per sample
-i0/1/2/3interpolation: 0:none; 1:linear; 2:cubic spline; 3:fir interpolation
-w+/-do/don't wide stereo mix
-n+/-do/don't noise reduction
-m+/-do/don't mega bass
-l+/-do/don't fade out infinit loops
-h+/-do/don't shuffle playlists after loading
-a+/-do/don't autostart playback (applet only)
-eWAVEFILEexport to wave file

You can see these parameters by calling the command line version without any parameter:
java -cp C:\JavaMod\javamod.jar de.quippy.javamod.main.CommandLine

A word to the performance: if you use 96000Hz, 24Bit and Fir-Interpolation you need a fast machine to calculate this. Using the applet you should address a wide spectum of different machines out there.
The noise reduction has a similar effect as the interpolations with significant lower CPU usage; so if you combine the noise reduction with lower sample rates, you can use none or linear interpolation with fairly good results. You can try this out in the gui version...

JavaMod also supports playlists (m3u, m3u8 and pls - and even cue) generated by winamp (or similar programms). There is a playlist editor in JavaMod itself. With the parameter "h" for shuffle these playlists can be shuffled after loading.

3. Integration of the applet code

The applet code was removed from this project. Nobody uses applets anymore and the support of applets in java is at its end.

4. Defining your own gui with the applet

No applets, no applet styles...

Well, that's it...

© since 2004 by Daniel Becker